Moving a file share to a new server.

A simple way to move file shares from one server to another with the ability to copy NTFS permissions. Run the script as a domain admin and make sure the owner of all the files is the domain admin.

Start the script with a scheduled task during the night and change your login script for a seamless move.

–>Download and install Robocopy if needed. (It is part of the Windows Server Resource Kit Tool and or it is a standard feature in Server 2008)
For more info on Robocopy check out:


robocopy \\oldserver\share\ \\newserver\share /s /e /copy:DATSOU

Change local admin passwords remotely. Quick, Simple, Effective!

This uses the pspasswd tool from Microsoft. Go to and then download and copy it to your c:\windows\system32\ directory.

Then create two files “Machinelist.txt” and a batch file with the code below. Populate the “Machinelist.txt” with PC names you wish to change the local admin passwords on; one PC per line. Then edit the batch file with the correct credentials and the new password information. Make sure the machines are online and then run the script. You need to use an account with domain administrator rights for the –u and –p parameters in order for this to run correctly.

Quick, Simple, Effective!


pspasswd.exe @machinelist.txt -u domain\administrator -p domainpassword administrator newpassword
echo “Complete”

Updated Adfdesign’s Wsus Tool, now supports Windows 10, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, and Server 2019.

**** Updated to support Windows 10, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, and Server 2019 ****

A handy tool for Wsus administrators who clone PC’s and need to debug and manage Wsus. All of these functions can be done via CLI and Regedit but this tool makes them easy to perform quickly on machines with restricted accounts and strict GPO.

It performs these functions:

#1 Detect now: –wuauclt.exe /detectnow

#2 Clone Fix: — Deletes the following Registry values: SusClientIdValidation PingID SusClientId — Stops and Starts the wuauserv service. — wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow

#3 Report now. — wuauclt.exe /ReportNow

I wrote this years ago after spending the better part of a day fixing Wsus issues and wanted a shortcut. Since then it has saved me and the techs tons of time.

You can download it here:

Remotely change local admin passwords.

Systems administrators that manage local administrative accounts on multiple computers regularly need to change the account password as part of standard security practices. PsPasswd is a tool that lets you change an account password on the local or remote systems, enabling administrators to create batch files that run PsPasswd against the computers they manage in order to perform a mass change of the administrator password.

Step #1

Download the pspasswd tool from Microsoft.

Go to

Step #2

Copy the pspasswd.exe to the:


directory on your PC or server.

Step #3

Create a file called “Machinelist.txt” with PC names you wish to change the local admin passwords on; one PC per line.

Step #4

Create a batch file with code similar to this:  pspasswd.exe @machinelist.txt -u domain\administrator -p domainpassword administrator newpassword
echo “Complete”

Step #5

Edit the batch file with the correct credentials and the new password information.

Step #6

Make sure the machines are online and then run the script. You need to use an account with domain administrator rights for the –u and –p parameters in order for this to run correctly.


This is a very Quick, Simple, Effective method to manage local administrator passwords remotely.  PsPasswd uses the Windows password reset APIs, so it does not send passwords over the network in the clear.


Welcome to the new!

I had not done much with this site for a few years and it was long overdue for a refresh. I created this site to publish my apps and scripts and discuss a few of my tech hobbies. Stay tuned; much more to come!