Show IT staff Availability on Intranet or Website


This easily shows which IT staff members are available on your Intranet or website. Use the PHP code below and tweak the AIM name and your contact information for your needs.
You need access to a web server with PHP installed and an AIM account on your PC or smartphone. When you set your AIM status to available or invisible your users can see this dynamically on your site. If you install AIM on your smart phone you can set your status anywhere you go. Use this to have a peaceful day off or a quiet lunch and direct support calls to the person working. It also helps eliminate end user stress because they can now quickly see who is available.


See who is available in IT: (Be sure to refreash this page for current infomation!)

$screenNamerp = “billsmith”; // Add your screename to the $screenName variable
// Connect to AOL server
$url = @fsockopen(“”, 80, &$errno, &$errstr, 3);

// Query the Server
fputs($url, “GET /”.$screenNamerp.”?on_url=online&off_url=offline HTTP/1.0\\n\\n”);

// See resultant page
$page .= fread($url,256);
if($feofi > 10){
$page = “offline”;
fclose($url); // Close the connection to
// determine online status
if(strstr($page, “online”)){
echo ‘Bill Smith is available at Ext. 111 or 312-555-5555’;
echo ‘Bill Smith is unavailable at this time.’;
$page = ”;
$url = ”;
$screenNameaf = “janesmith”; // Add your screename to the $screenName variable
// Connect to AOL server
$url = @fsockopen(“”, 80, &$errno, &$errstr, 3);

// Query the Server
fputs($url, “GET /”.$screenNameaf.”?on_url=online&off_url=offline HTTP/1.0\\n\\n”);

// See resultant page
$page .= fread($url,256);
if($feofi > 10){
$page = “offline”;
fclose($url); // Close the connection to
// determine online status
if(strstr($page, “online”)){
echo ‘Jane Smith is available at Ext. 222 or 312-444-1234’;
echo ‘Jane Smith is unavailable at this time.’;
$page = ”;
$url = ”;

Updated Adfdesign’s Wsus Tool, now supports Windows 10, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, and Server 2019.

**** Updated to support Windows 10, Server 2012 R2, Server 2016, and Server 2019 ****

A handy tool for Wsus administrators who clone PC’s and need to debug and manage Wsus. All of these functions can be done via CLI and Regedit but this tool makes them easy to perform quickly on machines with restricted accounts and strict GPO.

It performs these functions:

#1 Detect now: –wuauclt.exe /detectnow

#2 Clone Fix: — Deletes the following Registry values: SusClientIdValidation PingID SusClientId — Stops and Starts the wuauserv service. — wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow

#3 Report now. — wuauclt.exe /ReportNow

I wrote this years ago after spending the better part of a day fixing Wsus issues and wanted a shortcut. Since then it has saved me and the techs tons of time.

You can download it here:


Welcome to the new!

I had not done much with this site for a few years and it was long overdue for a refresh. I created this site to publish my apps and scripts and discuss a few of my tech hobbies. Stay tuned; much more to come!